JM Beauty Center - шаблон joomla Скрипты

Center ROG, Ljubljana

11th of april 2024

»Arhikult 2024«

Dear  colleagues,

On behalf of the Institute for the promotion of Architecture (IPA), we would like to invite you to the 9th professional conference of architects and engineers, "ARHIKULT 2024", which will be held in the renovated, former bicycle factory , now creative  "Center ROG" (, on Thursday 11th of April. 2024 in Ljubljana.

At the Event, we will discuss the causes and consequences of climate change, which originate from global warming. Due to the greenhouse gases (GG) that we release into the atmosphere daily through our activities, the "greenhouse" effect is created. The burning of fossil fuels (oil, coal and natural gas) and anthropogenic changes in ecosystems contributed the most to the increase in CO2 content. The construction industry has a great potential for reducing the carbon footprint (CO), so we will focus on solutions to eliminate CO, such as "sustainable construction", green transport, the use of local materials, energy renovation and comprehensive rehabilitation of existing buildings, and the introduction of new contents into cities and buildings. 

The goal of the conference is to bring together experts, members of the IZS and ZAPS, as well as representatives of national institutions, civil society, public bodies, research institutions, to share knowledge, experience and opinions and to provide insight into the latest state of the art based on recognized findings with the help of experts science and practice.

The event is divided into 2 Panels on 2 Lecture Halls

Panel G, where, with the help of experts from the building materials industry, we will have an insight into the latest state of the art, based on the findings of science and practice.

In Panel A, we will continue with the presentation of selected architectural offices and expert contributions

The intensive, full-day program is condensed into 2 thematic sections on 2 stages, you can register for individual panels or all together


  8:00 - 8:30 Reception of participants  
8:40 Alen Lulić, univ. dipl inž. grad. "Prenova palače Kazina"
8:55 Jure Lovšin , mag. inž. stavb "Vloga gradbenih proizvodov pri načrtovanju trajnostnih stavb"
9:10 Irena Hošpel, univ. dipl inž. grad. "Sodobne opečne gradnje"
9:25 Marko Zvonković, univ. dipl. inž. arh.  "Razvojni proces produktov iz kompozitnih msterialov" 
9:40 Markus Huber, Dipl.-Ing "Trajnostna gradnja z ekološkimi izolacijami"
9:55 Miha Zamuda, univ dipl. inž. str. "Trajnostna gradnja z lesnocementnimi opažnimi zidaki"
10:10 Borut Gruden, uni d dipl. inž. grad. ˝Popolnoma obnovljivi fasadni sistemi in toplotne izolacije z λ=0,020"
10:25 Attila Kiss, inž. grad. "Paneli iz zaprtoceličnih toplotnoizolacijskih materialov"
10:40 ing. Allen Dudine "Ojačiteveni posegi na spomeniško zaščitenih objektih"
11:00 Pause (15 min)  
11:15 Ing. Michael Bissman "Sanacije z impulzivnim komprimiranjem tal"
11:30 Frank Koppers "Prihodnost sistemov za dostop do objektov"
11:45 Helena Selak "Kamen: tradicija in trajnost"
12:00 mag. Cirila Colnar Mikeln "Notranje  zidne površine brez aditivov za čisto ozračje" 
12:15 Wim Robberechts "Inovativni sistemi za aluminijska okna in vrata"
12:30 mag. Maro Puljizevič, univ. dipl inž. grad. "Akustika v arhitekturi"
12:45 mag. Aleš Kralj univ. dipl inž. str., Peter Kavčič "Steklo v arhitekturi = trajnostna gradnja"
13:00 Peter Bandelj, uni d dipl. inž. str. "Zmanjševanje emisij CO2 elementov v fasadnem ovoju"
13:15 dr. Boštjan Černe uni dipl. inž. str.

"Trajnostni produkti za ovoj stavbe - načelo 10R v praksi"

13:35 Lunch (40 min)  
11:15 Vito Žalig   mag. inž. grad. "Do okolja odgovorni sistemi za ravnanje z vodo"
11:30 Denis Sejfić dipl. inž. grad. "Trajnostne  vodovodne in meteorne instalacije"
11:45 Dušan Lapajnar inž. str., "Celovito upravljanje z meteornimi vodami" 
12:00 Kristaps Draudins "Monitoring vodoodpornosti streh z elektroprevodnim slojem"
12:20 Daria Barbieri, Massimo Parravani "Sintetične strešne membrane  za bele mediteranske strehe" 
12:35 Damir Hamzić,  univ. dipl inž. grad. Trajnostne ravne strehe, z rešitvami za pritrditev sončnih elektrarn
12:50 Darja Rup ing.gradb. "Trajnostno upravljanje s padavinsko vodo"
13:05 Jaka Krašovic "Nizkoogljično steklo in vrste zateklitev" 
13:20 Blaž Vidic, univ. dipl. inž el. "Integrativna razsvetljava"
13:35 Lunch (40 min)  
14:15 mag. Eva Prelovšek univ dipl. inž. arh., Aarne Niemelä, March "Raziskovalni inštitut InnoRenew CoE"
14:40 doc. dr. Sabina Jordan univ. dipl. inž. arh. "Trajnostne stavbe"
15:05 dr. Bruno Dujič univ dipl. inž. grad. "Projektiranje lesenih konstrukcij"
15:30 Yasmin Herden, BAsc "AI v arhitekturi"
16:00 dr. Damjan Prelovšek "Plečnik in trajnost"
16:35 Juan Pablo Herrero Gil,  M.Arch  EFFEKT Architects / "Living places", DK
17:05 doc. Rok Žnidaršič, univ. dipl. inž. arh "Nagovor podžupana MOL"
17:10 Marko Dabrovič,  univ. dipl. inž. arh.  3LHD, Zagreb
17:30 doc. Aleksander Saša Ostan, univ. dipl. inž. arh. "Ostan Pavlin arhitekti"
17:50 Pause (20 min)  
18:10 Davor Bušnja, univ. dipl. inž. arh  MORE arhitekture, Zagreb
18:30 Boris Bežan, M.Arch,  in Mónica Juvera, M.Arch  BAX STUDIO, Barcelona
19:15 prof. Maruša Zorec, univ. dipl. inž. arh. ARREA arhitekti, Ljubljana
19:50 dr. h.c. Marjan Pipenbaher, univ. dipl inž. grad.  Ponting, Pipenabaher Consulting Engineers
20:30 Diner